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বিনিয়োগকারী ক্যাটাগরি শিল্প ও বাণিজ্য (এমটি-৩) ট্যারিফের নতুন বিদ্যুৎ সংযোগের জন্য অবশ্যই বিডার মাধ্যমে আবেদন করতে হবে।
বিডার ওয়েবসাইটে যেতে ক্লিক করুণ। BIDA One Stop Service(OSS) Portal.

Application Form

Application List

SL Name Category Load Phase Select
{{item.SL}} {{item.Name}} {{item.Category}} {{item.Load}} {{item.Phase}}

Personal Info

* marked fields are required
Applicant's Name required Name must be minimum 3 words Name must be maximum 100 words Name (in Bengali) required Name must be minimum 3 words Mother's Name required Name must be minimum 3 words Name must be maximum 100 words Father's Name required Name must be minimum 3 words Name must be maximum 100 words Mobile number is required invalid mobile number
Spouse Name required Name must be minimum 3 words Name must be maximum 100 words National ID required invalid National ID number Passport required invalid Passport number Male Female Please select Gender Date of Birth required

*** Maximum file size 150kb.


*** Maximum file size 150kb.


Mailing Address

House/Plot/Dag No required Section required {{item.Name}} No District matching were found. {{item.Name}} No Thana matching were found.
LANE/Road No required Block required Post Code required Post Code should be 4 digit invalid E-mail invalid Telephone no

Connection Address

House/Plot/Dag No required LANE/Road No required Section No required Block No required Post Code required Post Code should be 4 digit {{item.Name}} No District matching were found. {{item.Name}} No Thana matching were found.
{{item.Name}} No Zone matching were found. {{item.Name}} No Division matching were found. {{item.Name}} No Area matching were found. Invalid Email number invalid Telephone number Mobile number is required invalid mobile number

Description of Connection

Load Survey

Item Load per Item(Watt) No. of Items Total Load
None {{lItem.Name}} {{load.LoadValue}}
Total (Watt): {{TableTotalLoad}}

Description of Connection

Temporary Permanent Select Connection Type {{item.Name}} ({{item.Tariff}}) No Category matching were found. Organization/Shop Name required
Single Three Select Phase No. of Meter required Please survey Load 1st

